Auto Insurance Agency in Houston, TX

If you’re looking for the comprehensive auto insurance quote in Houston, TX, you’ll want to shop around and compare quotes from multiple auto insurance agencies around you. VL 17 INSURANCE AGENCY has become the choice of insurance seekers due to our access to innovative plans, money-saving discounts, and expert local agents who make sure you’re getting the right amount of auto coverage. Read on to see all that VL 17 INSURANCE AGENCY has to offer.

Auto Insurance Coverage in Houston, TX

Auto Insurance Coverage in Houston Texas by VL 17 covers all vehicles listed on a vehicle policy, whether owned or non-owned. Covers physical damage to the insured vehicle (unless any deductible selected) when the damage is caused by a collision with another car or object as defined in the policy.

Auto Insurance in Houston, TX


Bodily injury liability auto coverage will pay if an insured auto is legally obligated to pay damages due to bodily injury to others from an accident (i.e. a covered loss). Auto coverage amounts are selectable in split limits (such as 50/100, 100/300 etc). The first limit indicates the maximum amount (in thousands of dollars) that can be paid in any one accident to any one person for injury or death. The second limit indicates the maximum amount (in thousands of dollars) that can be paid in any one accident (occurrence) for all persons for injury or death. The policy also provides for legal defense costs, subject to provisions in the policy. To opt this coverage, get an auto insurance quote with us.


Property Damage auto liability coverage will pay for accidental property damage caused by an insured auto to someone else’s property when the insured vehicle's driver is legally responsible. The policy also provides for legal defense costs, subject to provisions in the policy. For more information about property damage auto liability coverage, contact Vl 17 Insurance Agency.


Making Medical payments coverage a part of an auto insurance policy may help pay your or your passengers' medical expenses if you're injured in a car accident, regardless of who caused the accident. It is optional coverage and not available in all states. Vl 17 Insurance Agency can help you get a quick and comprehensive auto insurance quote, including medical expense coverage.


Comprehensive coverage covers the insured auto for physical damage arising from perils other than collision. Refer to the policy for specific definitions and exclusions. Auto Coverage is subject to the deductible selected in Express.


The formal name used for coverage associated with no-fault laws in applicable states. PIP generally encompasses medical expenses and loss of income. Refer to the policy contract in your state for specific details. The limit selectable in Express is the per person limit. (In ND, OR, UT, and WA, this limit is displayed in thousands of dollars. Example: 10 means $10,000.)


Uninsured motorist property damage (UMPD) and underinsured motorist property damage (UIMPD) pays for damage to your car or property caused by an uninsured driver. It covers you if you are involved in an accident with someone who doesn't have insurance or is underinsured.


Personal Auto Insurance provides coverage for injuries if the insured is involved in an accident with an underinsured auto, or at-fault driver. Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury covers you and the people in your auto/car for medical bills, lost wages, and pain & suffering in case of an accident caused by someone who doesn't have insurance or enough insurance. The coverage amounts are in split limits (i.e., – 50/100, 100/300, etc.). The first limit indicates the maximum amount (in thousands of dollars) that can be paid in any one accident to any one person. The second limit indicates the maximum amount (in thousands of dollars) that can be paid in any one accident for all persons.

Auto Insurance

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    Cynthia Rosales
    20:19 01 Dec 21
    I have had a very good experience with this company, the staff is very professional and helpful, especially Maybell Hernandez, she have helped me a lot with all the process, she’s always patience and kind every time I need help with my policy.
    mohammed mousa
    18:47 30 Nov 21
    Great service and always there for you to answer all your questions and to help your business, A+++
    Shelly Jefferson
    16:07 30 Nov 21
    Pedro is the best, he goes above and beyond, he’s quick when you need anything done. He helps us with the DOT website, teaches me how to update it. When I need a company added to the insurance, he does it right away.
    Milca Fuentes
    05:21 30 Nov 21
    I'm from Blondin Logistics and Transport LLC I can honestly say that it has been a great experience working with VL insurance and the amazing agent Tania Echemendia, she is very knowledgeable about her job and is always willing and happy to answer any questions we have. Tania is great a agent like very few out there. I hope to continue working Tania and VL insurance for a very long time.
    Olivia Domingues
    16:49 22 Nov 21
    They are really professional all the girls are really nice specially Marinelis they are always willing to answer any question and provide the best service ever I always recommend it to our friends
    VL 17 Insurance Agency

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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