Commercial Truck Insurance in Texas, Florida, Arizona and Illinois

Low Monthly Payments

VL 17 offers comprehensive commercial truck insurance in Texas, Florida, Arizona and Illinois,  to help you get the right amount of coverage at an affordable rate.

We are a locally owned and operated specialist truck insurance agency that offers all types of coverage options, like liability coverage, trailer interchange, trucking insurance, cargo, and physical damage coverage – and more!

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Commercial Trucking Insurance

Trucking Insurance Designed For Your Fleets.

    Best Commercial Trucking Insurance

    Lowest Premiums Guaranteed

    Your trucking insurance doesn’t need to be a complicated business that’s why our agents give you a simplified truck insurance quote. Our agents research quotes and coverage options from various truck insurance-providing companies to bring you multiple quotes that suit your needs. This helps VL 17 furnish you with the best commercial truck insurance in Texas, Florida, Arizona and Illinois with cost-effective premiums. Plus, we streamline the process by searching specifically for the type of policy your business requires while staying within your budget.

    We offer the cheapest commercial truck insurance for all types of commercial trucks, including Semi Trucks, Hotshot, Cargo Trucks, Pick Up Trucks, Dump Trucks, Box trucks, PickUp Trucks, Auto Haulers, and many more.

    Commercial Truck Insurance Company Houston Texas, Commercial Truck Coverage Texas

    Need Help With DOT Compliance?

    What is DOT compliance? Is obtaining DOT compliance mandatory? DOT drug & alcohol testing purpose?

    DOT compliance refers to adhering to the regulations set by the U.S. Department of Transportation. It applies to companies involved in transportation, ensuring safe practices for commercial drivers, vehicle inspections, drug testing, and maintaining necessary licenses.

    Yes, obtaining DOT compliance is mandatory for commercial trucks in the United States. Commercial truck operators and companies engaged in interstate commerce are required to comply with the regulations set forth by the Department of Transportation (DOT).

    DOT drug and alcohol testing is mandatory for safety-sensitive employees, including commercial drivers. These tests aim to detect drug or alcohol use that could impair a driver's ability to operate a vehicle safely.

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    Truck Insurance that VL 17 Insurance Agency Offers

    We are a locally owned and operated insurance agency. Our agents provide a comprehensive range of truck insurance coverage in Texas, Florida, Arizona and Illinois. With affordable insurance for both individuals and businesses, below are a few of the truck insurance that we offer:


    Liability Coverage:

    Liability insurance covers liability risks when someone from your company drivers has an accident. This coverage includes bodily injury liability, aimed at covering the costs of any injuries, as well as medical expenses for the injured party. The coverage may also extend to any property damage liability and legal activities. Plus, it covers all necessary costs for the property damage sustained during the accident along with all expenses associated with any legal defense. Get a quote for commercial trucking insurance in Texas, Florida, Arizona and Illinois today!

    Motor Truck Cargo Insurance:

    Motor truck cargo insurance, also known as just cargo insurance, covers commodities or freight carried by a for-hire driver. It also covers cargo liabilities related to damaged or lost cargo due to collision, fire, or load striking. In cases where the load is dumped, all removal expenses for debris removal or pollutant extraction can also be covered. You can also get cover in case there are further losses with your cargo as well as any legal expenses associated with this situation or customer losses due to an undelivered cargo load. To find out more about the cheapest commercial truck insurance in Texas, Florida, Arizona and Illinois, contact VL 17 Insurance Agency.

    Physical Damage Coverage:

    The coverage against physical damage is pretty straightforward - it covers any vehicle damage, including comprehensive coverage paying against vandalism, theft, collision, or non-collision causes.

    Collision coverage -

    Trucking insurance that provides financial security against truck damage from physical contact with other vehicles or objects, like rocks, trees, fences, buildings, or animals.

    Comprehensive coverage -

    It is insurance coverage against damages done by vandalism, theft, fire, falling objects, and weather events.

    Fire and theft with combined additional coverage (CAC) -

    Another physical damage insurance that combines fire and theft protection for specified perils. As a result, this is also known as specified perils insurance or limited comprehensive truck insurance.

    Trailer Interchange

    Truck trailer interchange insurance offers insurance for physical damages on trailers pulled under the trailer interchange agreement, which acts as a contract for transferring trailers from one driver to another. The agreement puts the driver, who is transporting the trailer, responsible for covering any damages that might occur while they have it in their possession. In such a situation, this commercial trucking insurance acts as physical damage insurance for any non-owned trailers, covering against damages sustained from collision, theft, fire, explosion, and vandalism.

    Employer Non-Owned Auto Liability Coverage

    Non-owned auto insurance will cover any auto liability damages, including attorney fees, court costs, judgments, or settlements, that are a result of an auto accident for which your company is responsible. In other words, if your business utilizes commercial vehicles, having active non-owned auto insurance is a wise investment. This truck insurance coverage protects your drivers and operators as well as you, the owner.

    Cost of Trucking Insurance in Texas

    We try our best to get the most affordable truck insurance rates for your company. However, some factors directly affect truck insurance premiums, some of which you can control while others can’t be helped. These include:

     Your Location

    Texas requires at least liability ($300,000 to $500,000) for commercial trucks. Plus, you’ll have to factor in your fleet’s distance and destinations.

    Your Company’s Safety Rating

    A high CSA or safety rating means lower rates. By upholding high safety standards and monitoring your CSA with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, you can keep your costs down.

    The Type and Value of Your Cargo

    Cargo coverage requires some planning ahead of time, as the truck insurance agent will first ask you what you are hauling since higher-value goods require more commercial truck insurance than inexpensive ones. (Example: It costs more to cover computers and jewelry than clothing and food.) Nonetheless, the extra protection is well worth the cost in the long term.

    Overall Driving Record

    As mentioned, each employee will need to maintain a clean driving record which translates into lower rates and high overall safety ratings for your company. You can keep your insurance rates down by ensuring all drivers are properly trained and updated on traffic laws and regulations.

    Age and Experience of your Drivers

    Experienced drivers between the age of 25 and 60 usually incur lower insurance premiums. Regardless of age, you can still obtain reasonable rates if your drivers maintain a clean record with no moving violations or accidents.

    Condition and Age of Your Trucks

    Keeping your equipment up to date and in excellent shape also helps to keep trucking insurance rates low. When you have dated equipment that has mechanical issues, your rates will quickly increase. Thus, regular maintenance pays off in the long run and lower premiums.

    Minimum Insurance Requirements

    Transporters of Hazardous Materials
    Transporters of Hazardous Materials

    Hazardous substances that are transported in cargo tanks, portable tanks, or hopper-type vehicles with capacities in excess of 3,500 liquid gallons

    Transporters of Non-Hazardous Materials
    Transporters of Non-Hazardous Materials

    Motor carriers based outside of the U.S.A. who transport non-hazardous cargo

    Foreign Carriers
    Foreign Carriers

    Motor carriers based outside of the U.S.A who wish to do business in Texas.

    Household Goods Movers
    Household Goods Movers

    For those who carry household goods with a gross weight, registered weight or gross weight rating of less than 26,000 pounds

    Commercial School Bus Operators
    Commercial School Bus Operators

    For hire divers of school drivers who transport students of all ages to a residence or public or private educational facility

    Small Bus Operators
    Small Bus Operators

    Vehicles with the capabilities to transport more than 15 but less than 26 passengers

    Large Bus Operators

    Vehicles with the capabilities to transport more than 26 passengers

    Household Goods Movers
    All Others

    Any private or for-hire motor carrier with a gross weight registered weight, or gross weight rating of more than 25.000 pounds

    Why Us?

    Trucking insurance company Houston, TX

    No Agency Fees

    We don’t charge agency fees like others

    Customer Service

    Bilingual Representative (English/Spanish)

    Competitive Rates

    We negotiate with our carriers to lower your insurance prices

    Safety Scores

    We work directly with the DOT to improve your safety scores

    Commercial Trucking Insurance

    Trucking Insurance Designed For Your Fleets.


        1,000,000 in liability, and 100,000 in cargo.
        Yes if have a clean record and have no losses.
        Call the agent and give him the information about the truck.
        if you have liability due to filing it will take 35 days and cargo after 7 days.
        They reinstate it for 30 days.
        There is not penalty, but as soon as you pay your down payment, and the filing is done there is not flat cancellation ( the money will not be returned ).
        Yes you can terminate your policy and if you pay the whatever you own will not affect your company credit.
        If your payment is late the finance company will charge usually 200$ more.
        Nope, discounts for veterans .
        In the liability coverage, there is no overlapping coverage due to the filing.
        Nope we do not have a charge for the certificate and our turn-back certificate is 10 minutes.
        This is determined based on years of experience for the driver, a record of MVR ( motor vehicle report of the drivers ), years of experience of a trucking company, parking of the trucks ( out of big city parking ), losses history ( loss run).
        Yes, as part of the business expense.
        When you file a claim always affect your premium at the renewal with your current insurance company, and if we do quote with another insurance company they will ask for a loss run (claim history for the last three years).
        Yes, all trucks have to be listed in your policies in order to be covered and by the law, all trucks that you own have to be included in your policies.

        Our Insurance Carriers

        Progressive Company
        Canal Insurance Company
        Northland Insurance
        AIG US
        American Transportation Group
        Prime Insurance Company

        Clients Love Us

        Based on 77 reviews
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        Cynthia Rosales
        20:19 01 Dec 21
        I have had a very good experience with this company, the staff is very professional and helpful, especially Maybell Hernandez, she have helped me a lot with all the process, she’s always patience and kind every time I need help with my policy.
        mohammed mousa
        18:47 30 Nov 21
        Great service and always there for you to answer all your questions and to help your business, A+++
        Shelly Jefferson
        16:07 30 Nov 21
        Pedro is the best, he goes above and beyond, he’s quick when you need anything done. He helps us with the DOT website, teaches me how to update it. When I need a company added to the insurance, he does it right away.
        Milca Fuentes
        05:21 30 Nov 21
        I'm from Blondin Logistics and Transport LLC I can honestly say that it has been a great experience working with VL insurance and the amazing agent Tania Echemendia, she is very knowledgeable about her job and is always willing and happy to answer any questions we have. Tania is great a agent like very few out there. I hope to continue working Tania and VL insurance for a very long time.
        Olivia Domingues
        16:49 22 Nov 21
        They are really professional all the girls are really nice specially Marinelis they are always willing to answer any question and provide the best service ever I always recommend it to our friends

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