Frequently Asked Questions

They reinstate it for 30 days.
There is not penalty, but as soon as you pay your down payment, and the filing is done there is not flat cancellation ( the money will not be returned ).
Yes you can terminate your policy and if you pay the whatever you own will not affect your company credit.
If your payment is late the finance company will charge usually 200$ more.
Nope, discounts for veterans.
In the liability coverage, there is no overlapping coverage due to the filing.
Nope we do not have a charge for the certificate and our turn-back certificate is 10 minutes.
This is determined based on years of experience for the driver, a record of MVR ( motor vehicle report of the drivers ), years of experience of a trucking company, parking of the trucks ( out of big city parking ), losses history ( loss run).
Yes, as part of the business expense.
When you file a claim always affect your premium at the renewal with your current insurance company, and if we do quote with another insurance company they will ask for a loss run (claim history for the last three years).
Yes, all trucks have to be listed in your policies in order to be covered and by the law, all trucks that you own have to be included in your policies.
VL 17 Insurance Agency

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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