
Home Insurance Company in Houston, TX

Home insurance protects your family’s home and well-being by giving sufficient financial coverage. VL 17 Insurance Agency provides comprehensive home coverage to get your life back on track if something happens to your home. With access to innovative tools, money-saving discounts, and a local agent, we make sure all your home coverage requirements are fully covered.

Home Insurance in Houston

Protect your family and your biggest investment with a premium that fits your budget. Get a detailed homeowners insurance quote in Houston, TX,  by VL 17 Insurance Agency. Ensure your home always stands strong to give you shelter and protection with comprehensive Home insurance coverage. Homeowners insurance protects your from unanticipated events such as natural disasters and man-made activities like:

  • Theft
  • Liability
  • Fire and lightning
  • Weather-Related Events
  • Vandalism and riots
  • Aircraft and vehicles


Dwelling coverage includes attached structures on the residence premises used principally as a private residence. It helps you pay for the repairs or rebuilding of your home’s physical structure when a covered incident damages it. Typically physical aspects of home-like walls, floors, roof, windows, support beams, and foundation are covered. The wall-to-wall carpeting attached is considered part of the dwelling.


We cover other structures on the residence premises separated from the dwelling or connected to the dwelling by only a fence, utility line, or similar connection. We do not cover separate structures used in whole or in part for business purposes. We do cover separate structures used solely as a private garage and rented or held for rental to a non-tenant of the dwelling. Wall-to-wall carpeting attached to a structure is considered part of the structure.


We cover personal property owned or used by an insured anywhere in the world.


Additional living expenses paid when covered loss makes dwelling uninhabitable. Loss of rents paid when covered loss makes dwelling uninhabitable.


We shall pay all damage up to the policy limit from an occurrence which an insured is legally liable to pay because of bodily injury or property damage covered by this policy. At our expense we shall defend an insured against any covered claim or suit. We may investigate and settle any claim or suit that we consider proper. We shall not defend or make any payments after we have paid the policy limits for the occurrence.


Guest Medical coverage pays the necessary medical expenses up to the policy limit incurred by a person other than the insured or any resident of the household within three years from the date of an occurrence causing bodily injury.
Home Insurance

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    Cynthia Rosales
    20:19 01 Dec 21
    I have had a very good experience with this company, the staff is very professional and helpful, especially Maybell Hernandez, she have helped me a lot with all the process, she’s always patience and kind every time I need help with my policy.
    mohammed mousa
    18:47 30 Nov 21
    Great service and always there for you to answer all your questions and to help your business, A+++
    Shelly Jefferson
    16:07 30 Nov 21
    Pedro is the best, he goes above and beyond, he’s quick when you need anything done. He helps us with the DOT website, teaches me how to update it. When I need a company added to the insurance, he does it right away.
    Milca Fuentes
    05:21 30 Nov 21
    I'm from Blondin Logistics and Transport LLC I can honestly say that it has been a great experience working with VL insurance and the amazing agent Tania Echemendia, she is very knowledgeable about her job and is always willing and happy to answer any questions we have. Tania is great a agent like very few out there. I hope to continue working Tania and VL insurance for a very long time.
    Olivia Domingues
    16:49 22 Nov 21
    They are really professional all the girls are really nice specially Marinelis they are always willing to answer any question and provide the best service ever I always recommend it to our friends
    VL 17 Insurance Agency

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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