What are the different types of truck insurance coverage?

Types of truck insurance coverage

If you are a truck owner or involved in the trucking industry, it is crucial to understand truck insurance coverage. It provides financial protection against potential accidents, damages, or losses. Commercial trucks are exposed to various risks on the road, including collisions, theft, cargo damage, and third-party liabilities. Without adequate insurance coverage, these risks can lead to substantial financial burdens and legal complications.

In this blog, we will explore the different types of truck insurance coverage available and explore their significance.

The following types of truck insurance coverage are available:

Primary Liability Insurance

Primary liability insurance is the foundation of truck insurance coverage. It is a legal requirement for all trucking companies and independent owner-operators. This coverage protects against bodily injury and property damage claims caused by truck drivers during their work. It typically includes both public and property damage liability.

Physical Damage Insurance

Physical damage insurance covers your truck’s repair or replacement costs in the event of an accident, theft, fire, or vandalism. The coverage protects you from financial losses and downtime and ensures that repairs can be made promptly or a replacement can be made if necessary.

Cargo Insurance

Cargo insurance safeguards your truck’s goods. It covers damage, theft, or loss of cargo during transit. Cargo insurance is crucial for trucking companies that handle valuable or sensitive goods, as it protects them from potential financial losses and legal disputes.

Non-Trucking Liability Insurance

Non-trucking liability insurance, also known as bobtail insurance, provides liability coverage for commercial truck drivers when they are not actively engaged in trucking operations. It covers accidents that occur when the truck is not in dispatch or carrying any load. This insurance is essential for owner-operators who use their trucks for personal use as well.

Occupational Accident Insurance

Occupational accident insurance is designed to protect independent owner-operators and truck drivers who are not covered by workers’ compensation. It provides benefits in the event of injuries, disabilities, or death resulting from accidents on the job. Occupational accident insurance covers medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs.

Trailer Interchange Insurance

Trailer interchange insurance is necessary when you are involved in an interchange agreement with another trucking company or owner-operator. This coverage protects against damages or losses to trailers that you do not own but are in your possession under the interchange agreement.

Motor Truck Cargo Insurance

Motor truck cargo insurance is specific to the cargo being transported in your truck. It covers the cargo value in case of damage or loss during transit. This insurance protects trucking companies and owner-operators responsible for safe goods delivery.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance covers non-trucking-related accidents or incidents on your business premises. It protects against bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury. General liability insurance is essential for trucking companies with facilities, warehouses, or offices.

Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance provides additional liability coverage beyond primary insurance policies. It offers an extra layer of protection and is designed to cover catastrophic events or significant claims that exceed your primary insurance coverage.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Workers’ compensation insurance is crucial for trucking companies with employees. It benefits employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. Workers’ compensation insurance covers medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs, ensuring that employees are properly taken care of in case of accidents.

Environmental Liability Insurance

Environmental liability insurance is essential for trucking companies that transport hazardous materials or operate in environmentally sensitive areas. It provides coverage for pollution-related incidents, such as fuel spills, chemical leaks, or environmental damage caused by trucking operations.


Truck insurance coverage is a vital aspect of managing risks and protecting your assets in the trucking industry. By understanding the different types of truck insurance coverage available, you can make informed decisions to ensure adequate protection for your trucks, cargo, drivers, and business.

Remember to consult with a reputable insurance provider to assess your specific needs and tailor the coverage accordingly. Don’t wait until it’s too late – protect your assets and ensure peace of mind with VL17 Insurance Agency LLC.

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